lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Half of Internet Users in Latin America Buy Online

FEBRUARY 14, 2012

Spanish-speaking internet users in Latin America increasing use of ecommerce

According to a September 2011 survey by Latin American research firm Tendencias Digitales, 59% of internet users in the region bought products online in the past year. Respondents in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay led the pack.

Online Buyers in Latin America, by Country, Sep 2011 (% of internet users)

The top products sold online included tickets for entertainment or travel, purchased by 30% of respondents, computer accessories (22%), clothing/footwear/accessories (22%) and books (16%).
Growing uptake of ecommerce will drive returns in Latin America. eMarketer estimates business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce sales in the region, excluding Brazil, will total $15.2 billion this year and nearly double to $28.5 billion in 2015.